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Family’s Plants

“Camellia: timeless beauty, growing strength.”

Plants of the Family

In the 1950s, brothers Luigi and Renzo Ghelardeschi began their journey by cultivating the first small ivy plants in their own garden. Over the years, the nursery grew and gradually gained trust in the market. However, customers increasingly demanded a wider variety of plant species and the possibility of having ready-to-plant specimens available all year round. In response to the growing customer needs, a range of container plants was introduced alongside the traditional open-field cultivation, ensuring plants ready for sale throughout the year.

Plant Producers

We are a nursery company specializing in the cultivation and production of plants that thrive in our nurseries and are ready to be sold to professionals in the “Green Industry.” We offer a selection of plants that can meet the industry’s requirements. Our products are aimed at garden centers, wholesalers, and companies involved in landscaping. For this reason, we can provide a wide range of products that are ideal for all needs.

Thanks to an efficient logistics network and reliable partners, we guarantee fast and secure deliveries, ensuring the quality of our plants at every stage of transportation. Wherever greenery is needed, Ghelardeschi Piante is ready to provide it: enriching gardens, parks, urban spaces, and landscape projects across Europe—with the tradition and excellence of Pistoia’s nursery art in our DNA.

Dank eines effizienten Logistiknetzwerks und zuverlässiger Partner garantieren wir schnelle und sichere Lieferungen, wobei die Qualität unserer Pflanzen in jeder Phase des Transports an erste Stelle steht. Wo immer Grün gebraucht wird, ist Ghelardeschi Piante zur Stelle: zur Bereicherung von Gärten, Parks, städtischen Räumen und Landschaftsprojekten in ganz Europa – mit der Tradition und Exzellenz der Baumschulkunst aus Pistoia im Gepäck.


Pistoia: “Land of Plants”

Visit our nursery

Pistoia is the homeland of nurseries, a place where a passion for plants merges with a unique nursery tradition. Here, in the heart of Tuscany, we cultivate plants with dedication, appreciated by the best experts in the Green Industry across Europe.

Thanks to our ideal climate and the knowledge passed down through generations, Pistoia has become synonymous with quality, innovation, and beauty in the world of plants.

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